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hi sgadrat! i playing your game on Nestopia emu and i want to know how to patch the emu to play online. you can help me? :3 


Wow. Just wow. The Ai even knows how to dash-dance.


Amazing!!! Jesus loves you by the way my friend, i hope you have a lovely day today :)

having so much fun playing online on my nes!! Such a remarkable feat! Good job guys! 😁

Thank you 😊

Have fun!


this game is super fun to play, even with just a keyboard. maybe thats biased considering that i used to play melee with keyboard, but i still find this incredibly enjoyable. i think that vg sage is by far the best character


Thank you for playing, happy to hear you like the game :)


Just got my Kickstarter cart today. Woo! Still getting used to the moves but have been enjoying VG Sage. Especially love his animations.

It’s pretty wild being able to play an online multiplayer game on the NES!

Have fun ♥️


Very cool that you’ve made this! I appreciate extending the life of older technology like this game does.

That said, I’m having trouble with running it on my everdrive. I just get a gray screen. Am I missing something?



If you took the Super_Tilt_Bro_(E).nes from this page, it is a "mapper 30" ROM (also named UNROM-512 sometimes.) You may have to update your everdrive's firmware to run it. Obviously, you won't have online functionality since the everdrive does not have an embeded wi-fi chip.

If you took the .nes from the Linux/Windows/MacOS version, it is incompatible with the everdrive 


Thank you for the information! I updated my N8’s firmware and that did the trick :) much appreciated.

(1 edit)

good game but the final battle for story mode sucks because most deaths are just falling off the stage because its harder to recover from that distance.

Amazing! I hope I can donate soon. Also, do you plan on having any grapplers? Keep the good work :)



There is no clear plan to add a grappler soon but the needed mechanics are comming so it will be a possibility. Projectiles will come first with next planned characters 😉

How are updates handled on physical cart? (can updates be downloaded via wifi and stored on cart?)

In the online menu, the "Settings" section has an "Update" entry. It is deactivated on emulator but will dowload the latest version and reprogram your cart with it on physical version.

In case something would go wrong, you will have the option to reset to the factory version.

can you nerf sinbad a bit lol bc all you need to do to win is forward Q and up W

(1 edit)

Yes, it is planned. I need a way to make it unsafe on shield without modifying the move too much.

Meanwhile, the best counter is to jump over forward-special and punish its end-lag or the whiffed up-w.

Why in the heck would you configure the defaults Q and W instead of Z and X? 😅

this is very cool you said this was a hack of super Mario Bros. for the nes?

Thanks. It is 100% original code though, not a hack of any existing game.


following this example :

do you have plans to add more characters ? 

In that case it is a well done game ,condensed into a nes game .  Congratulations !

Yes, we have more characters planned. At least two from the console homebrew community are next :)

But we'll be nowhere near Crusade's gigantic roster. I hope to be able to put 8 characters in the cart before facing storage space issues.

And thanks for the kind words ♥️

(1 edit) (+1)

Sinbad Side Tilt got a buff yay

Now it no longer whiffs its early hitbox when approaching grounded opponents at the cost of no more high reaching hitbox and longer startup.

It also doesn't chain into itself and applies better shield pressure.

Overall, very good change


(maybe) new tech just dropped, at least for me.

Using D-tilt or D-special during a shield ignores the shield release animation, meaning combo starters like Pepper's D-tilt can be used almost immediately without problem. As a Pepper main, I am very happy about this.

(1 edit)

Yes, it's by design down tilts and special are out of shield moves. Also Pepper is the only char who can start a combo on an opponent on her back while she's in shield (down-spe into foward-tilt.)

Also, a jump can cancel the end of the shield vanishing animation, but unlike down attacks, it does not skip the entire animation.

(2 edits)

VGSage gets an out-of-shield kill option with D-tilt that KOs at about 20% from the ledge so thats kinda strong

But Pepper can use Down Special at the ledge out of shield and then Side Tilt for a (probably) true combo that kills at almost any%

After over a year of procrastination, Project Igbik is semi-complete, as my computer isnt able to run the game on download so i have no way of testing it or knowing whether it works, but theoretically it is complete is the link to the .JSON because i have no idea how modding works tbh

I love your animations! The character is really nice! 🤩️

After a year, it still hard to build the game. No worries, I got you covered :)

The character exceeded the 16 KB size limit, so I had to butcher your animations to remove frames for shrinking it into a ROM. Anyway it still look great!

The ROM with Igbik is here, it whould work on any NES emulator (even web-based or on phone):

Certainly not what you had in mind movement wise, but these thing require tuning and being able to build the game to test changes. I have plans to make it easier, but priorities shifted, so it will not happen in near future. It is impressive you got that far without being able to test your mod!

Last but not least, your mod with changes required for it to build the ROM above:


Thank you :)

This character is really cool, except whenever I use side b the character flys erractically off the stage and destroys himself. Laughs. Not sure what the glitch is but just wanted to let someone know :) 

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